Monday 23 March 2015

Part 8

The officer believed that me saying thank you to Bill for using his clunky storage system was more important than that Rocket grunt in the back garden.
That line always gets a cringe from me.
That actually looks kinda bad. Sorry to hear that happen.
Dig had the same power as Earthquake meaning yeah the price would've been worth it.

Team Rocket are making the Tenth Doctor look consistent.

To be fair at least this Rocket is using a Pokemon that can actually use Dig so he can dig his way into no good.
Drowzee is a favorite for those who can't access trades and don't want to do the Mew glitch. I can't really blame them here. Its stats are decent and it sports a more workable Attack stat than Alakazam, you couldn't get into too much trouble with 73 in those days, the Special stat is not as good as Alakazam and Gengar but it still allows to get the ob done well. It also gets Hypnosis at a very early level. Sleep is king in these games meaning Hypno, combined with that Special stat and type, can function very well in this game. Sadly though, its stats can't compare as well as Alakazam or Gengar meaning it will probably only be used as an alternative to them if you can't access trading.
Tier Score: A 
The fact how you spend a turn waking up is very bitchy.

I was hoping you would say "come quietly". 

I'll probably shove that on Mew.
Gamefreak are still under the illusion that Team Rocket are funny.

So buying Dig and having the Police round due to having it stolen was pointless. OK then.

This mainly appeals to younger players who believe that canceling evolution is cool because you can learn the moves earlier.
Meowth is that Pokemon in the anime with the annoying voice. Although Pokemon anime and annoying are redundant. Persian appears to be a favorite because of it can use Slash and always get a crit because of that Speed, like Venusaur with Razor Leaf. Sadly Persian doesn't have the stats to work with this gift, unlike Venusaur. Persian's Attack is at the rather shabby 70, yup Hypno's Attack is higher, it's too frail to compensate, although the Special stat is workable and allows it to use stuff like Thunderbolt. It also learns Slash at Level 50 which is too late for this game's standards. In short, use this for instacrit Slash and nothing else. Although if you're using it for Slash, be prepared for a project.
Tier Score: B-
A very primitive version of the Daycare feature in Pokemon games. This was before breeding was a thing so leave me out of this one.

We'll have to wait until Celadon City to get to Saffron. God what is this, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night?
 What a lousy trade!
This is the hardest area in the game.
Spam A till you find something. The policy of the Underground Path.
And that's why you should spam A at the path.

Look at all this filler.
Then go home you loser.
These Bug Catchers sure don't know when to shut up with the shovel ware.

Bye, don't trip on any mines along the way.
I'm guessing you lot are closeted nerds.
And no, he isn't you're second rival. Although I believe there would be one in this game.
Glad you know the truth about Squirtle in this game.

Made by Cadbury.

Oh, you're talking about how much you love each other.

I don't usually see the female ones use Rattata.

The typical mascot character in an RPG. Pikachu is a Pokemon I dislike for obvious reasons. At least Mog was cool skill-wise. People give Raichu a free ride because it can learn Surf. Too bad that's through a Stadium event. Raichu also gets a free ride because it can be caught as early as Viridian Forest. Too bad the move pool isn't that large for it to be doing much other than using Electric attacks. It at least has solid attacking stats though; 90 isn't too much but it can at least go mixed to some degree. Other than being got early game and the workable mixed attacking stats; you're better off with Electric types like Zapdos or Electabuzz.
Tier Score: C

Don't we all?
I might as well leave them to it.
You're not given that many clues about the Trainer Class from his dialogue.
This Butterfree is often nominated as one of the most annoying in the game.
The various statuses this Butterfree knows is obviously the reason. At least a Bug Catcher is using something strong at this point of the game. 

This isn't helping things.
Hey, you're good for Bug Catcher standards.
Guess you're just bad.
Are you possibly patronizing me?

I wonder how much thought was put into this.

Don't shove your team full of Pidgey for a start.
Uh no, I wanted to battle.
Thankfully he uses a Raticate and Spearow rather than Rattata and Ekans. Why do I have a feeling that Rattata was going to evolve at Level 16 earlier in development?
You know game; I can stomach the Tail Whip and Quick Attack combo by now.

Why not some strong ones?
I think this place is still recovering from that orange flavored Tango accident. Seriously though the song is kinda cool and deserves more remixes. 
That sounds gross, no wonder you lot are so wary. The best way of taking care is by shoving in a Psychic type.
Where can I find estate here?
You'd need more than a weedy Machop.
The Vermilion Machop before selling its soul to MissingNo.
Too bad the Game Boy limitations make it seem like its dancing to the catchy tune.
I wonder if any players rung hotlines and asked "where the hell is the St. Anne?"
It's Pokemon 101 you dunce.

The game is still under the drugs that it's balanced.
Asides Mewtwo.
Glorious Venusaur master race.
Here's how we get Magikarp for free.
According to some; compliment would have to be at the start of that.
The immature jokes write themselves.
It's never usually that easy for me.
The long awaited rant on Magikarp, a Pokemon that evolves into quite the favorite of many including myself. We all know that Magikarp is useless but what about Gyarados in this game? Does it live up to the monster it is in Gen 6? Not really. The stats are great in this Gen: 100 Special works pretty well with that titanic Attack stat and the other stats are still rather solid as well. Gyarados' movepool is very biased towards the Special stat; which is a bit of a problem considering how the physical stat is higher but the movepool to go along with that is miniscule other than Body Slam and Hyper Beam, having it through level up is nice by the way. Meaning you'll be using a ton of Special moves like Surf, Thunderbolt, and Blizzard but leaving the Attack stat naked. Magikarp is also a project to raise and you can't even cop out to getting one on its own in that game. I'm pretty sure Gyarados is a workable Pokemon in this game. You just need to go the extra mile to make it work for you.
Tier Score: B

You'll learn to hate that experience yield.
As though I didn't know Team Rocket were "evil" already.
Ditching Pokemon because they're unpopular is rather dumb. They sound like those competitive battlers who hate OU because they believe the selection is too ugly. Screw the fact that Tyranitar and Metagross are in the tier.
I will see lots of evil Pokemon then.

I thought we were meant to love the Pokemon? Not use them as delivery boys.

My team would have no trouble against Team Rocket at the Silph Tower at this point.
Too bad nowhere is safe when I'm about.
I'll rant on the fail duck when I battle it. All I can say now is to not do the trade unless you wanted to catch them all.
I just love my VENUSAUR! It is fat and has acne!

You can tell which plaque was written by the chairman.
Dude, Gengar is where you should go for cute Pokemon!
You probably don't even get paid to gush over Pokemon.
I'm guessing your mum had to get them for you.
Join my club. I've got jackets.
Leave my club at once!
I'm convinced; you're a Pokefag.
I kept my audience waiting for this part meaning you're not alone.
What a generous guy! Maybe even those who can't keep quiet about their love for Rapidash.
What if you needed to walk through an area?
Things got so bad that the game gets to answer for me.
No shit!
I wonder if there's a twist of fate the voucher expired or is still short of the candy that's needed.
Time to make exploration a picnic.
In trade for a catchy but repetitive song that will never change when you go through routes.

Vermilion was pretty cool for its time.
Better wait a year till I continue the LP then.
Let's wait till later.
Yup, the game just had to make us go the long way round. At least that means more Exp.

Not bad for Pokemon with a shabby Attack stat.
The Digletts could've made this place look a bit cooler.
I was hoping for a Dugtrio for me to get a ton of Exp out of.
I could easily do this blindfolded.
I should've done this area when I got cut.
Pokemon slavery will never be abolished. No matter how hard Team Plasma tried.
Mr. Mime is another bridge I'll cross when I come to it. For now stick with Abra unless you want to catch em all.
Too bad I still have the bike on. Meaning I can't listen to the song that plays here. It was pretty epic for its time. And too bad it's the end of the part. I was getting comfy here.

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