Sunday 1 March 2015

Part 4

Evidence that we've got the Boulder Badge.
Why don't you try raising it and see the results?

One of the few NPCs who know their shit.

I smell a teenage schoolgirl.
What did I tell you?
Yes, Lassies have to use stereotypical "cute" Pokemon. I'm hoping Gengar and Gyarados will show up on her team.
One little Sand Attack can lead to one big disaster if one is not careful.
Two Pidgey + Blind Ivysaur = I'm going to be here forever!

At least they can't do anything to me.

That's nothing wait until you see my Tumblr.
I think I met you too.
I remember who you were but I didn't catch your name.

Anyone can beat you with a lineup like that.

Hence why you're not giving any a try.

People seem to really like this line. I don't get it. Then again I have no sense of humor.

Just a male version of a Lass.
Youngsters seem to really like Rattata.
Ekans is the Red equivalent to Sandshrew. Needless to say Blue got the best of the bargain, in terms of both skill and name. Arbok has the nasty Poison type, which spells doom due to being weak to Psychic. Arbok may suck here but there is a way of salvaging it despite those bad stats and type; and that is through its movepool consisting of Wrap, Glare, and Toxic. Tripping moves in Gen 1 are nasty, especially how the opponents never usually switch out their Pokemon. Arbok can either Poison them or Paralyze them in order to make the opponent suffer more. Just a pity other Pokemon with better stats can also do this trick. However, the fact alone that Arbok can turn it from disastrous to just mediocre.
Tier Score: C  
See why Wrap is such a bother?

Despite having one of the most memorable lines, his other dialogue is very boring.

If you stopped specializing in bugs you maybe would have a chance. 

I don't see it.

OK game, you can stop shoving Rattata into my throat.

Nidoking is a huge fan favorite amongst speedrunners and beginners alike. And for good reason: Nidoking has a solid Attack stat at the point of the game when you get it, the Ground type means you get STAB Dig and Earthquake, the former had 100 power in those days which means that the early game would be ruined, and look at that movepool! Ice Beam, Blizzard, Thunderbolt, Earthquake, Dig, Surf, Fire Blast, Rock Slide, and even Fissure and Horn Drill if you wanted to go with the gimmicky X Accuracy trick. The problems with Nidoking are that its stats will fall short in comparison to other Pokemon you get later on in the game and the Poison really hampers things and bad synergy with the Ground type, Ground, Psychic and Ice weaknesses are unwanted especially in the later points. If you're willing to put up with these shortcomings though, Nidoking is a Pokemon you should try by all means.
Tier Score: B

How do I do that?

Similar thing to what your buddy at the start of the route said.
You can't do much about that, but neither can I.

Fearow is a step up from Pidgeot in numerous ways; it evolves much earlier and has much better stats. Although these stats are definitely nothing to write home about though, especially in comparison to other Flying types you can get in the game, they're still better than what Pidgeot has to offer. Fearow's movepool is still a laughing stock though. Sure it has Drill Peck but other Flying types can also learn the movepool whilst having better stats. In short, Fearow is boring and pointless despite being better than Pidgeot. Although some people seem to think that Fearow is a special, unique snowflake because it can learn Drill Peck. Sadly things just don't work like that.
Tier Score: D 

Leer + Peck could provide some nasty damage at this point of the game.
Who talks like this?
Wow, so edgy!

A dinner which is so boring that you swallow it like medicine.

I don't much difference when hax comes into play.

I think I might need a long rest before said tunnel.

Too bad it doesn't resemble a rock much in this game. It was by your own foolishness then.

Sounds like generic waifu shit.

Jigglypuff is a fan favorite among the Japanese Pokemon fans, hence why it appears in Super Smash Bros. Whilst Jigglypuff kicks arse in Super Smash Bros Melee and Wigglytuff is memorable for its role in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky; the line is horrid in the main games and this one in particular. Wigglytuff has a large HP stat and an adequate Attack stat and that's it. Its other stats are so bad that it's not funny; 45 Defense and Speed and 50 Special, which really doesn't work with its rather comprehensive movepool. But guess what? It comes next door to Clefairy: a Pokemon who evolves into something with much better stats to work with the same movepool. Stay away from Wigglytuff and stick with Clefable. And if you love Jigglypuff that much, go back to Melee you fool!
Tier Score:  

I got lucky there.
Afraid so.

How many times does the game have to advertise the PC?

Team Rocket and Taylor Swift would be buddies then.

I'll rant about this Pokemon later. This deal isn't worth it. You can get it for free using fishing rods, preferably the Super Rod though. Don't waste money on something with hardly any training spots at this point. 

Depending on the outlook, maybe you are.

Now I can battle wild Pokemon of a higher level, I might as well use this opportunity to get my Butterfree.

That didn't take too long.

Dish gaem ish darc beecos it ozes da blood.
When's the plot twist when you realize that you don't have any friends?

Clefairy is the Jigglypuff improvement. Clefable has a very similar movepool to Wigglytuff and Nidoking, and it has similar stats to Nidoking. And yes this does mean that they'll fall short later on. But at least they're not Wigglytuff where almost everything sucks or is just average. Clefable is solid all-around but has some advantages to Nidoking. It gets the Normal type over the Poison type. Normal is that good in the modern single player Pokemon but here it's useful because it had no weaknesses, Fighting sucked here so that was thrown out of the window. Sure it has to lose Earthquake and Rock Slide, but why worry when you get STAB Body Slam and Tri Attack, Psychic, and Thunder Wave? If you want an early game TM hogger, Clefable is your best chance at the role.
Tier Score: A-
A set up for something later on the cave. Had this been a Zelda game, this Lass would shown her ugly mug during the scene with the fossils. 

Zubat maybe an annoyance when the computer has it at these points in the game but when you use it things are different. Golbat is shit! Its stats aren't anything special and its movepool and front sprite are the pits. It has no STAB other than the weak Wing Attack. Yep you saw that right! No Fly! Yup, this thing is a useless Flying type, Charizard and Gyarados may not have anything in the form of Flying moves but they at least have a few things going for them other than that. Don't use Golbat; you'll thank me later when you realize that there are much better Pokemon.
Tier Score: D

I never said they couldn't be annoying though.

That didn't take too long.

I don't know why Water Gun was a TM, I suppose its useful if you did the glitch.

At least I'm at a high enough level to soften the Leech Life blows In this game the Bulbasaur line has a 4x Bug weakness, which doesn't mean jack shit.
Stick Castlevania Potion finding reaction goes here.
Obviously alluding to Team Rocket. At least he doesn't use the series' trend of the trainers saying "who are you?"


(Yawns loudly and stretches) Oh did I?
Will Team Rocket come out from the shadows and attack our hero? Will Lemon make it out alive? Tune in next time on Let's Play Pokemon Blue!

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