Wednesday 4 March 2015

Part 5

Time to continue this place and attempt to finish it in one part.
I'm getting lucky with the encounter rate currently.
Oh poo, I'm in trouble.

I'm guessing this guy's boss was pretty stingy when offering Pokemon.

I'm really taking a dump on Zubats currently.

I can't really say it's a fault of yours.
The ones who gave you these simpletons in the first place?

Our first meeting with vitamins in the game. I tend to use these at the very end of the game.
Ah Paras, the only Pokemon in this game to have 3 4x weaknesses, because of how it was 4x weak to Poison as well in that game. Fortunately these three types weren't that good in the game, although that Ice weakness is still a stinger. If you're not using Parasect for early Spore then you're doing it wrong. The rest of the moves are trash, and those stats are nothing to write home about, especially that low Speed combined with how it can learn Slash. Then again something fast and can learn Spore in this game would be an instant keeper regardless of a type combination with 3 4x weaknesses. If you really want to try Parasect for Spore at a decent level then I really can't stop you. If you have no intention of using a Sleep user, I highly suggest you do use a Sleep move though, then Parasect will be pretty worthless.
Tier Score: C 
I suppose I could have a little bit of fun with that move. It will look more flattering on my moveset than Growl.

I don't want to know why the nerd didn't want to be sneaked up on.

Magnemite was a one where they got lazy with the designs in this gen, kinda like its cousin seen below. Magneton has little to no reason for being used in the game in contrast to the other Electric types. Electabuzz at least has access to Psychic and Raichu at least comes early-game to appeal to the beginners. If it could do something like get Thunderbolt naturally then it would be much higher. One could say Magneton's gimmick is having the nice Special stat of 120. Great! Too bad Zapdos comes at the same fucking area. You could be a guy who boycotts legendaries but even then you may as well use some of the ones mentioned above.
Tier Score: D 
If Magneton is outclassed then Electrode is not any better. Yes it has Explosion and it's the fastest Pokemon in the game. Yes the other stats are underwhelming and yes its Attack stat is too low to cause bigger Explosions. You can't win with this one; you can't even say the design is a good excuse to use it because it's lazy. Raichu comes earlier than it and yields better stats; and Thunderbolt through level up if you trade the one from Yellow or Surf if you get the one from Stadium. Why use Electrode? Even Magneton's a better option.
Tier Score: D
They do say nerds are intelligent.

Ah yes, my first Rare Candy. Considering how I spotlighted a glitch in an earlier part; I know what you lot are thinking. Don't worry I wouldn't stoop that low.
I wouldn't have guessed.

When will the option to tell trainers to piss off come about?
I'm glad some thought was out into this mono-color team.

Most memorable line in the series yet.

This guy must be drunk.

You could say it's bigger on the inside.

Venusaur-lite #1. Oddish is the Grass/Poison type exclusive to Red, and the worse one of the two. Double status and 100 Special are nice but there are no other reasons to use Vileplume other than that. Venusaur and Victreebel get Razor Leaf whilst this is stuck with weak Mega Drain and not-worth-the-penalty Petal Dance. And there's that ugly Psychic weakness and that low Speed of 50 to deal with as well. Life isn't nice to Vileplume despite the assets that appear on paper.
Tier Score: C

Calling this one Venusaur-lite #2 is an insult. The Bellsprout line actually has some factors that it can brag which the Bulbasaur line can't. It gets Stun Spore, earlier Sleep Powder, Wrap which can be accompanied with either Toxic or Stun Spore, and a juicier Attack stat to milk, although it doesn't have that many attacks to work with it. Victreebel does however have its problems that could make players draw away from it too, when I mean by that I mean factors that still make Venusaur the better one, Bellsprout won't be taking many hits at the point of the game where you catch it, and even as Victreebel that Defense stat won't be too much use, and finally it learns Razor Leaf much later than when Venusaur is, sure it learns Sleep Powder earlier but it won't have too much in the way of reliable STAB until then. Definitely try it though.
Tier Score: A 
Try walking a bit more you lazy sod.

I wonder if this guy actually has Pokemon worthy for the "big job".

That settles that then.
In contrast to you, yes.
You'd have to be an idiot to feel threatened by this guy.

Go with it.

I wouldn't want to waste something like that early on.
 I go anywhere to explore.
Quite the inspired team you have there.

I'm getting too lucky here.

Perhaps the smell will die down if your Pokemon weren't carrying most of the odor. 
A love quest?

I'm gonna get far right?

At least I can do something here.
If you're wondering yes I did go to the Pokemon Center and heal up.
A bit rude right?

You'll need plenty of hikes to burn that weight.
I'm guessing this is Brock's cousin who the family doesn't like to talk about. If you're wondering why my health is on the 50-26% range it's because I had a bad run in on the way. Zubat seem to want revenge against me.

Lay off the salt then.
Because there was a sign saying "No Kids" wasn't there?

Here is the Moon Stone, go nuts with it on your Clefairy/Nidorino.
Oh hi rare Pokemon. How's it going?
Oh shit, the hardest trainer in the game.
Thank goodness you actually have the stuff to nail them.

This thing is at a high level in comparison to the other Pokemon we've faced, and it knows STAB Quick Attack and Hyper Fang. You don't want to muck about on this guy.

Good start.
Thankfully it's quite the Glass Cannon.

Be happy that you're probably Giovanni's most successful grunt yet.
Life lesson from Team Rocket are always endearing.
That isn't too evil if you think about it. Unless the fossils were protected by law.

Team Rocket: now hiring Youngsters.

You're facial expression wasn't giving me many clues about your emotion. So thanks for telling your emotion for me.
Or they could sack people like you.

2 of 4 Moon Stones in the game have been retrieved.  

Shit. This could be a make or break.
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Let's don't let that happen again.
Him and the "save the rest for me" guy would be friends.

Ah Grimer, what would happen if you're evolution's name was spelt backwards? The results would be sticky. I thought it was funny. Anyway Muk sucks. Sure it has Explosion but so do loads of other Pokemon. It has some interesting Special moves but its stats are more geared towards the physical side. Muk can't do anything to salvage that nasty Psychic weakness, even with the nice Physical attack stat. It will just be known as that other bad Poison type.
Tier Score: D
Appears to have a bomb theme going on.
Koffing will be memorable for at least one part of the Pokemon fanbase. One would remember it for its use in the Pokemon anime, one would remember it for being the mascot of a particular competitive Pokemon website, and some would remember it for that hideous front sprite. Weezing isn't as bad Muk but still not anything too special. Yes it has more workable stats to go along with a very similar movepool but other than that it's still plagued with similar issues to Muk. Its Explosion is also weaker than Muk's, although that doesn't make Muk the better Pokemon by any means. The loser of this is me for spending my time comparing these two stinkers.
Tier Score: D
This could be a potential plot line for Nick Jr.
Encouraging trading to get the other one I see.

One will revive into Omanyte and one will revive into Kabuto. I'll take Kabuto because I prefer Kabutops, I'm not joining the dark side with the whole Helix bullshit.

He got the worse one out of the deal. Although not in this game.

Referring to somewhere later in the game. Too bad by then I would've forgot about the fossil.

Imagine if ways of reviving fossils existed in real life? Things would get rather ugly.

Two steps close to freedom! Spending the whole part at Mt. Moon would obviously cause me to smell of cave, if you can even call that a smell.

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