Wednesday 11 March 2015

Part 7

No wonder I'm getting the blues. I thought it was funny.

Most of my readers will probably feel sorry for the poor girl when they realize what I have in store for her.

But not for long.
Our first time battling this class. They're like Lasses only the types they use are more diverse.
Goldeen is like Horsea and Psyduck. A common Water-type whose more trouble than it's worth. Although unlike its brethren; Seaking can do one thing to make itself any use. Yup you guessed it, the Horn Drill and X Accuracy combo, which you can also add with Agility to avoid any Speed issues. Other than that there's no reason to use Seaking at all, especially considering how it has a father low 65 Special and a wasted 92 Attack stat. Also, that Seaking meme isn't funny.
Tier Score: C  
Mew won't be lagging behind anytime soon.

I mean you won't get far fighting a dummy player.

Isn't a Gym Leader meant to see indifference about a new face in town?

These lines are very boring but at least she isn't bitching about a bike or stripping so she can cry at a Staryu, eww.

The strong ones that win, duh.
We'll see about that.

Misty starts the trend of jail bait Gym Leaders, although mainly in GSC.
Staryu is like Shellder, a Pokemon who evolves through the Water Stone. Starmie happens to be quite a favorite of mine due to how reliable and consistently good it is, although not in terms of looks where the whole line looks kinda bland despite having an interesting law going for it. Starmie claimed its success by having everything going for it; Psychic types are broken in Gen 1 meaning that this guy will be a no brainer to consider, and it has the combination of Thunderbolt and Blizzard which the forms the combo BoltBeam due to the rich coverage of Electric and Ice has. I think the combo is criminally overrated because of how much more resist it in later generations, but here it was awesome to have. Starmie also Recover to have a sneaky way of being tankier than it actually is. The stats are very well rounded, being very fast and pretty strong whilst having enough bulk to back you up. The only problem with Starmie is that it comes late and at a low level, like Cloyster. Like Cloyster though, you can get it at Seafoam Islands but this time it doesn't have to share a type with Articuno. Yeah, Starmie kicks arse.
Tier Score: A+
All-out offensive?

Very creative team.
Maybe she just gave up and knew she couldn't keep up with a fucking Level 32 Venusaur.

Because you had a choice.

Won't be too helpful considering what level outsiders would need to be in order catch up to Venusaur.
Shame I don't have the HM yet, at least being able to cut bushes would I would have to spend less time looking at those bushes.
Better than Water Gun at least.

Should Mew suffice?
You didn't do anything, then again that was meant to be the point.

I saw you walking on water.
Time to put this thing into action.
Mew takes these hits like a boss, u jelly Alakazam? I meant for physical Pokemon overall, I'm not implying Mew is a god because it can beat a Rattata.

Mew obviously won't be invincible.
I reckon that Teleport was a fright too. Do they really make fun of you to walk on water?

Useful move, I'll teach it to a future team member. Thunder Wave hits its pride in competitive matches.
Another running gag for the series.

Machop is the opposite of Abra: Abra is special but Machop is physical, Abra is fast and frail whilst Machop is slow but bulky, and Alakazam is funky with a mustache and spoons whilst Machamp is a generic muscle man that has four arms in an attempt to be a badass. Machamp's Attack stat is incredibly sexy to utilize with Earthquake and Rock Slide but that is pretty much it for what it can do. Sure it can take a few hits but otherwise this thing is undeniably flawed. The Fighting type is everything wrong for it; it has a Psychic weakness, which makes it problematic instantly, and it the best STAB move it has is Submission, that recoil move which only has 80 power and 80% accuracy. Only use Machamp for that titanic attack stat and nothing else, otherwise you'll be disappointed.
Tier Score: C
And yes, that's the rest of the team. Enjoy.
I did in a way, yeah.
That probably really sucks. Although it least isn't as bad as subjecting yourself to what Golbat looks like here.
What if the trainer has exceedingly high levels?
Youngsters definitely aren't getting dull.

You can't do anything to the mighty Mew!
In contrast to your mediocre.
Type redundancy can definitely be an issue; the good types can be doubled up on though.

Bill seems to be the talk of the town. I don't think people are that talkative about a local celebrity. Especially one who made a rubbish interface for a PC.
Hikers are beginning to grow boring; then again I can get bored very easily so there's no surprise here.
I think it's about time I deposited items that will get in the way.

This Youngster can trigger the Mew Glitch if you started it when you had the Fly HM. Battle him instead of the Swimmer at Cerulean Gym.

Slowpoke is like Staryu, oh wait Staryu gets the Psychic type when it evolves. Slowbro is like Starmie, a Special orientated Water/Psychic with a comprehensive movepool. Slowbro has some advantages over Starmie and some disadvantages, obviously. It can learn Psychic through leveling up, late at Level 55 mind you, but the most important move it has is Amnesia; that broken move which doubles its Special stat. Not really something that you want to meet in a dark alley. The stats are also tankier than Starmie's if you prefer to go that route. Sadly that also means that the Speed is lower; at the rather shoddy 30 and that can be a problem because of how crits work in the game. Although Amnesia would compensate for that due to how good it is. Either one of Slowbro or Starmie is worth your time.
Tier Score: A
This is going to be a while.

Damn those bulky Pokemon and my shoddy moves.
Too busy wanking over the S.S Anne?
I'm guessing he meant all over Kanto.

Pokefans across the nation to have a girlfriend who says that. Also, boyfriend and girlfriend are one word.
Why not?

No shit.
Thanks for revealing his skills for me.
He'll approve of your selection of Pokemon.

Pokemon collector in the making.
I wonder what his reaction would be when he sees something other than a Rock-type.
Who'll ditch you in a month.

She doesn't account for taste then?

And I know what the horny fans are thinking.

This move ain't too good in-game due to how your levels would work here. Competitively its decent because you'll always do 100 damage.

I know I have to fight every trainer in this game.
I'm really getting sick at the sight of this snake.

Better than Rattata.
That won't do anything to the Sleep status you dunce.

Then get over your envy, get off your lazy bum and catch a Pokemon that could be called cute.

At least it isn't a Nido, a Pidgey, a Bug-type, or the Rattata and Ekans duo.
I hate it how the accurate moves were only 99.6% in this game.
Better than Pound.
After you realized how much of a burden cute Mew can be to battle.

I thought you weren't jealous?
We can bring this "story arc" to a close.

Who's that Pokemon?
How does he invent this stuff? Then again this is a game where magic is rampant so why nitpick?
Phew, that saves me from writing a wall of text on you.

So the Pokemon change was because you couldn't pay the bill? *Laugh track*
I can't wait to tell everyone and make you a laughing stock.

Nah, people wouldn't shut up about you.
But thou must.
What? Chief? Where did that come from?
My head interpreting: hbv\vn\hiocp[wekrmijnfmyg8479ew0d-clskvdoemnreyh748390qwokacmv nb

It was that easy?
I was expecting a pretty boy to come out of the teleporter considering what the townsfolk were raving.
Definitely a stereotype.
He chose my decision because he doesn't have a collection.
Hey, a plot device in the form of a ticket. Cheers chief!

We know where to go next then.

I hate them too but why do I have to go? I guess the trainers would be nice to battle.
We can actually see the collection if we go inside.

Can we keep them?
So he made a Top Favorite Pokemon list then? Better be prepared for flashy thumbnails, crappy jokes and long intro full of anime clips.

Bill will display all of the Eeveelutions on his PC here. I'll describe them as they appear on the PC. Also, why does Eevee look ugly in this game?
Flareon will always be the laughing stock of the Eeveelutions due to how weird the stats are and how it didn't get Flare Blitz till Gen 6 and even then it still sucked. Just give it Sacred Fire. Flareon at least had a workable Special stat in this game so it can use Fire Blast, and even Flamethrower. It gets the always good Fire Spin + Toxic combo but the stats are rather frail to utilize it correctly. The Eeveelutions aren't what you can call great in this game due to the shabby movepools and being outshadowed by other Pokemon. Flareon is no exception here. It will at least get the strongest Body Slam of the lot though. It's still the worst of the lot though due to it being of the Fire type.
Tier Score: C

Jolteon is very overrated in-game due to having Pin Missile which can beat Psychic types. You're better off using STAB Electric moves. Jolteon isn't bad in-game, it's definitely the best of the Eeveelutions due to being an Electric type, but it still has that shoddy movepool and a rather meek Attack stat to utilize those Physical stats with. Electabuzz will still remain as Prince of the Electric types in this game though.
Tier Score: C+

Vaporeon has one advantage over the other Water types in this game. Coming early and being at a good level, unlike Lapras, Starmie, and Cloyster. It also gets Blizzard as another move it utilize that Special stat. Vaporeon just so happens to have the stats to make it the best of the mono-Water Pokemon in this game. Sadly it will still be inferior to the other Water types due to being a mono-Water. Tough break buddy, that's how things work in Gen 1. Did I mention that the low Defense really stings?
Tier Score: C

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