Sunday 22 February 2015

Part 2

Let's go and deliver that dumb parcel because Oak was too lazy to get it himself. It's either that or Kanto has some postal strikes.
Behind the scenes, there has been some whipping sessions. But what Oak won't know won't hurt him.

All you wanted was a Poke Ball? You have a Level 70 Gyarados, why don't you go to Viridian yourself and use to fight the wild Pokemon?
I was slow to capture this but Blue's hair appears to sway weirdly when he moves. Too bad spurting "smell you later" will only get you two chances with girls.
Professor Oak introduces the series' bestiary. Why doesn't he have a third one for a third trainer?

I'm guessing Oak used his Exeggutor to get them off the table, otherwise I'm clueless.

Cute, but you could've told us this stuff when you gave us the starters. Heck, that's what Origins did.

I love you too.
I wasn't going to grab you nit. 

B2W2 takes the healing mother concept a step further by making her a Pokemon Center receptionist. 
Now that we have access to the Pokedex, I can give my two cents on the Pokemon. Pidgey is a one which many beginners, myself included, have used at some point. A three stage early-game Pokemon which can use Fly might just be the best thing ever for beginners, or maybe we used it because Ash had success popping Team Rocket's balloon with it. Pidgeot in reality though is useless. Tons of other Pokemon can use Fly whilst yielding a stat which goes beyond 91. Fearow is better than this one, and it can evolve earlier. So what the fuck is the point of Pidgeot? It has no special unique moves to bring to the table and it's a jack of all trades and master of none. Fuck this one and you should too.
Tier Score: D
Raticate is hardly any better: it evolves early and gets Hyper Fang early, but you might as well stick with Body Slam for STAB. It stats are still shit and there tons of better Normal types later in the game. There is little nothing to write about with Raticate, even as an HM slave Pokemon. Why? Because it has no fucking HMs! And don't insult me with how it can use Blazzard+Thunderbolt. With 50 Special? Give me a break!
Tier Score: D
Now I have the breathing space to do so, I'm going to grind Bulbasaur to Level 13.
Vine Whip at Level 13? Really? Ah well, Razor Leaf at least doesn't come too late. The high level will also allow me to have a distinct advantage at these parts of the game.

I have my reasons for having only one Pokemon and I haven't bought any Poke Balls. Now let's go and battle Blue.
This is probably meant to be the first time we know about the BADGEs!
You'll be pleasantly surprised.
This will now become a joke.

Not even a hint of Sand Attack from this thing. Not that I'm complaining.
This is going to be easier.

I love how this Charmander is so low of a level that it won't use Ember on me.

 And there was me thinking that this would go on for a bit longer.
Considering your brain power, you'll usually come out blank.

What do you have against dawdling?

I can now use this wild Pokemon to switch my moves about. It makes things a bit more convenient.
This was why I didn't want to buy any Poke Balls; if I battled Blue at Route 22 without them I would get this message from Oak.
Beats buying them eh?

Unless you cheated to get 99 Master Balls.
I had to capture the first shot rather quickly. It will instantly change into this glitchy text on the right. No wonder this game wanted to hide this scene.
And in the case of some of the legendaries, really lucky!
I might as well catch this thing to Fly me about later on.
 Evolution will be just around the corner for me.
Surely you should be arrested for your anti-social behavior.
If yes.

If no.
I should've stuck with the first option.

Everyone knows what this guy is known for. I might as well use this time to rant on the Weedle line. Weedle is the bug more common in Red. In battle, Beedrill was the worse of the two, before it got a Mega Evolution of course. It's abysmal here though. The stats have nothing good and the movepool is horrid. Noobs like this thing because it can use Bug moves to beat Psychic types. Just a pity it's too weak, the moves are too weak, and Psychic moves can out damage it. Give me a reason to use this one, any will do.
Tier Score: D 
This isn't a good tutorial for new players. Players will usually be disappointed when they try his strategy. At least in Yellow, he failed to catch the Pokemon, and FRLG gives you a TV which goes more in depth as to how you catch Pokemon.  

Hence why you never weakened the Weedle.

I love how you're forced off the ledge not long after this.
The Gym Leader is the boss of Team Rocket, Giovanni. Spoilers for a 19 year old game.

Contrary to belief, it will be harder to fight if you stack your team at this point of the game.

I'm not going to say anything. I ranted about the not so wicked biter earlier in the part.
Except for the fact that it isn't.
Even the game wants to treat the Old Man tutorial like it never happened.

Yay! Another hidden item, at least they aren't hidden rooms.
I laugh at Poison in this game with the Pokemon I have.
These are always welcome in my bag.
I love it when this place decides to never have any Pokemon show up.

At this rate, I could sunbathe in this grass and not have to worry.
Ha Ha!
Cool! We should film a Poke Ball advert together.
Our first non-rival battle.
This guy will obviously be very simplistic.
He uses both of the caterpillar Pokemon, who happen to be very weak.
Caterpie is the preferred one of the early game bugs, before Mega Evolution came along. Butterfree is a favorite for beginners because it can use Confusion to beat Brock and help Charmander. Butterfree is a bit better than the other early game Pokemon for another reason though, Sleep Powder at Level 17. That is the only thing going for it though; the stats still suck and the movepool is barren, although Psychic is decent. Sleep Powder may be seen on other Pokemon but it learns it earlier than others in the game. This should be the only reason to consider Butterfree, otherwise you should keep on walking.
Tier Score: C 
 No shit Sherlock.

Well they'll have to be a bit braver then.
Because there are laws saying I can't
I'm glad Species Clause is a thing on Smogon, and numerous other tournaments. What would be wrong with adding a Caterpie?
This battle will overstay its welcome though.

A damn wise decision.

I won't be accepting his constructive criticism. It mainly exists for subtle hints on how to get specific Pokemon

Pandering to the people who used Squirtle here.

I'll catch Caterpie and evolve it to increase the amounts of pages on the Pokedex. I'll need 10 kinds for something later in the game.

I wouldn't simply catch Metapod though, it's hard to catch at this point of the game and it just knows harden.

Battling them though could provide some Exp.
Only 15hit KO.
Damn it was worth it.
Another one? See you next year!
Let's see if the worm turned.
And so it did, into a cocoon that is.
And no it won't learn Harden. Meaning the LCD won't be thinking their warped thoughts.
These are a bit rarer here; I won't be catching it just for that reason though.
If I call it treasure hunting will it make any difference? 

Makes up for how there aren't any at the Poke Mart currently.

Yeah, I sure was hurrying.

I wonder of anyone got scared how this was at a higher level.
I'm good because I can beat a Level 9 Weedle. A bit of an unfair judgement.

Alluding to how you can find hidden items.

Alluding to how there is a Potion next to him.
I know, they always shovel their ugly mugs at my face.
Too bad it will be quite a while till we can access some HMs. And too bad the HM which he's talking about is useless in battle.

An easy way to grind for the next city's gym, I guess?

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