Friday 20 February 2015

Part 1

I think it's time to spice things up now that I'm halfway through Symphony of the Night and whilst it's my favorite video game; Pokemon is my favorite gaming franchise meaning I might as well plow through all the main series games, except FRLG because it's the same thing as RBY and the 3DS Pokemon games because emulation for the system doesn't exist, yet. I'll be starting from the roots and playing the original RBY. I'll be playing Blue because it was the one I had as a kid and Yellow took too many steps back from RB, unlike the succeeding deluxe versions.

Wall of text aside, we shall begin.

Working with these PNG images this time around is going to be more flexible than the SOTN Let's Play. 
Spikeless Gengar aside, these sprites look better than the ugly shit we got in the actual game.
tfw Jigglypuff's hopes and dreams will be lost.
 We're already in trouble if Squirtle's tail looks like a danish pastry.
Who the hell uses a slow text speed?

the POKeMON PROF! gives out the exposition which will be a recurring trend for the subsequent games.

I'm pretty sure everyone's made a joke how this is Nidorina's cry. We're already in trouble with the corner cutting.
Dirty "people who use them as pets" peasants.
Glorious "Pokemon are tools" master race.
So you're part of Bulbapedia.
I can't say any of these names suit me.
That's better!
Oh yes. Blue was able to remember all the names of the Thomas the Tank Engine characters better than I could. Crazy times.
the POKeMON PROF! was never the brightest button.
I can't think of anything, so I may as well go with Blue.
I'm guessing he never has time to see his grandson.

That white background was growing to become a boring set piece anyway. 

I wonder if we have Shaq Fu, that one was a classic.
This could be handy for the upcoming boss fight.
What next? The moon is made out of cheese. It said so on the telly.
Coming of age story references coming of age story.

I don't need the Pokemon to grow strong in order to protect me. Forcing them is the best way to go.
Isn't it just.
If only real PCs could do that.

Am I the only one who sees a resemblance between Daisy and the scrapped female protagonist design? 
Bored already!
Here's a secret, it's useless and wastes bag space.
Please tell me it's out of pity.
What's the point of having two of the same person here? They even say the same thing as eachother.

Dish is da hint of le shipping coz he iz nis to bread.

Alucard found a computer and sent an email to Oak.
All the way at Castlevania?
Is he speaking to us through telepathy?
Were you really hiding in a disclosed area to smoke a joint?
The Professor Oak spin-off never did catch on.
That's a rude thing to say to your grandpa isn't it? Then again we're talking about a guy who doesn't even know his own grandson's name; then again maybe he wants to forget about him.  

Professor Oak was always a sick sod.
He appears to have a trick up his sleeve. 
Blue is either naive of the type advantages the starters have against each other or is missing the point of Oak's plan. 
And guess who was being a brat earlier? Bloody contradict!
Charmander is the fan favorite of the three starters, whether people like it or not. Some even say it's the most popular Pokemon of all time, mainly Charizard though. Charizard isn't great in the game though. Sure it's a good starter and is good on the early dungeons but it can't really do much on the gyms and it's stats are very lackluster; 84 and 85 aren't very high attacking stats in contrast to other attackers in the game, even as a mixed attacker you're better off with stuff that comes later in the game. The only stat it has going for it is the 100 Speed and even then it will only get it so far with the mediocre stats backing it up. It's moves also hold it back: Ember at Level 9 and no other STAB moves until Level 46, it's best attempt at being a game breaker comes at Level 55, and to top it all off, it has nothing in the way of flying moves. Meaning the second type could seem like more of a hindrance, aside from the Ground immunity. It should only be considered because it's a starting Pokemon and has some interesting moves through TMs, which plenty of other Pokemon can learn.
Tier Score: C   
Squirtle evolves into Blue's version mascot and another one which gets too much hype here, perhaps a little more than Charmander. The thing is, everyone knows Charmander struggles on the gyms yet they woo Squirtle because it can beat a few gyms and can learn Earthquake and Ice Beam/Blizzard to beat its weaknesses. The problem is though, almost every other Water type can learn an Ice move to beat Grass moves and Blastoise doesn't have the stats to work with these moves. 83 and 85 still don't cut as a convincing attacker and a mono-water is just obsolete in comparison to the more interesting ones with better stats; like Starmie, Larpas, Gyarados, and Cloyster. Blastoise, like Charizard should only be considered because you get it at the starting point and for no other reason.
Tier Score: C  
If you're a competitive battler, like me, Bulbasaur will be the one that shines. Not only does Venusaur look like the most interesting one of the three; it happens to be the best one in-game. It's movepool may not be the best thing ever but it has it where it counts; Razor Leaf at Level 30 whilst always getting critical hit because how crits work make it the most broken of the starters by default, you can run the Toxic and Leech Seed combo which is glitched up here to make your opponent lose more and more health whilst you're always getting more, and it learns Sleep Powder which is always good, if very late. The stats are also the most convincing of the lot, 100 special? Yes please! The strength alone makes this one shine above the other two we can use. Venusaur kicks arse on the bosses, even Sabrina if your level is high enough and it may be slow on the dungeons but has its moments there. The only blunders with it are the Psychic weakness and late Sleep Powder. I'm using this one.
Tier Score: A  
Blue finally got it in his head to use the stronger starter, in terms of type advantage.

That would be an effective thing to say if that was true.

Time for the hardest battle in the game, no wonder a Potion is there at the start.

This music will constantly appear when battling trainers, but damn it's epic! 
Enjoy ramming your head into Charmander for the rest of the battle.
This is the easiest battle to comment on.

Charmander sings, badly, at Bulbasaur.
Damn, I have to use that Potion now. Nothing I can do though.

That was handy.

Neither of your two choices were great.

The start of catchphrases of the rivals. At least we're meant to be annoyed by this one.
I'll comment on this one once I'm able to use Poke Balls on these.
I can't till I learn some actual moves.
Handy if I want to go the ToxiSeed route.
It was only really convenient on Gen 5 and X & Y where you can use them at the Pokemon Center.
The game wants to give us these early on. Can't complain.
Don't use them; you would want the Exp from the wild Pokemon. 
Power Points remind of the software and PP reminds me of immature giggles.
Pokemon Centers are like Save Points in Castlevania, expect me to use these an a regular basis.
They'd better not!
I'd need to use a different emulator for the Cable Club to be of any use.
Everyone does by now.
Too bad my Pokemon immunes the Poison status and laugh at the sorry excuse of a move.
[citation needed]
I thought I was trainer, not a delivery boy.
I'll throw an egg but I won't say hi.
Because some dude at Route 1 was giving them away for free. Someone is going to get sacked today.
It shows.
I only have one Poke Ball you moron.
That's right kids! Look at notes and cheat at your tests.

Are going down without a hitch.
Guess crime doesn't pay.
Sleep, Freeze, and Paralysis are gods, Burn and Poison can fuck off in this game.
No! Paralysis reduces the speed. Who hired this dense teacher, Prima?
Freezing will be awesome when you have it. There are no ways of thawing in this one.
When will the police come and sort this guy out?
Yay! More alcohol censorship.
No wonder the wife isn't around.
Very creative. Better than calling a Kingler Mr. Krabs though.
I don't see much fun unless it's calling everyone rude and childish nicknames.
Whilst playing the "I accomplished something in an epic way" theme.

That's as far as I'll get in this part. Here's a link to my Castlevania: Symphony of the Night if you want to catch up with that. 

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