Tuesday 24 February 2015

Part 3

New city, new enemies to make.
Tell me about it man.

I fail to find a lick of truth in your statement.

He actually has a point there. Sending a legendary to sleep will only make the catch last for 30 minutes rather than an hour.
The first time the TMs are alluded to. 

Super Smash Bros Melee called, it wants its Jigglypuff back.
The song isn't that boring.

Thank goodness today we have text messaging. Meaning people could still have the time to talk to us and not be so rude as to say "Scram!" 

I'm not repellious (I thought it was funny) but for a garden it could be useful.

Looks more navy green to me.
Too bad the police are so lazy in this game that a dumb kid has to come to the rescue.

If the museum doesn't have a cafe I'm not going.
I'm guessing this would influence my life or something.

At least the catchy song is playing.
This is becoming more and more unappealing.

I wonder how the game will fuck up science.
That was pretty successful.

Your kid appears to have managed that Nidoran pretty well from what I've been seeing.

I'll have no trouble at all then.

Only specific Gym Badges will give obedience to your Pokemon.

What lunatics!
So what was Mt. Moon called before Moon Stone came in? Mt. Zubat?

This game will go out of its way to make you battle a Gym Leader before you leave. There's a glitch which you can exploit to avoid Brock which I'll explain after exploring this place thoroughly.

Uh hey, you're going to bump into the wall.

If his name wasn't enough of a giveaway of his type.
Pocket change. I wonder how high the price would've been if it was an adult's ticket.

This can be a form of Missingno depending how your name goes. If traded to GSC through the Johto Guard Glitch, it will turn into Tyranitar. Better treat it in high regard then.

This can also be a form of Missingno. The Johto Guard Glitch will turn it into Pupitar. Better evolve it then.
I hope you have the space for it.
God knows. You can't even buy it.

Remember when there were references to historical events in Pokemon?

 This deserves no jokes.

Unfortunately I don't think Pikachu is so cute. Sableye is cuter. 
Daddy's soon means "no way you brat!"
Time to demonstrate that glitch. First you have the cursor on Save at all times.
Go through this guy's monologue.
Then pause immediately after what he says. This may take some practice.
Save the game, the only thing you can do because the cursor is frozen.
Reset the game.
This message will then play and become glitched up.
See what I mean?

Stay on the top borders and you can enter Route 3. This will be useful if you're using Charmander, meaning you smuggle a Water Gun user to battle Brock, pretty cool huh?

I'm guessing Blue did this glitch considering his team options.
This ugly guy introduces one of the series' running jokes: the creepy guy who gives out rather lame advice. 
Yes or No makes no difference here.

I never fucking knew that! What great advice!

People really seem to like this guy for some reason.

He starts the trend of the suck up underlings which can provide Exp before the Gym Leader.

Dugtrio is probably another overrated Pokemon in-game to put in the pile. People give this one a free ride because it's next door to Lt. Surge, although Ivysaur/Venusaur will be strong enough and withstand his STABs, and Charmeleon and Wartortle will get to use Dig so why worry? Earthquake and Rock Slide are nice but tons of other Pokemon can learn them. Speed is Dugtrio's only good stat, other Ground types can make use of other stats so Dugtrio just isn't that special. The only thing going for it, asides its position, is being fast enough to nuke stuff with Fissure and X Accuracy. Too bad Fissure comes too late to be of any use, except for the Elite 4 and Victory Road. Meaning Dugtrio will be a sitting duck for the majority of the game.
Tier Score: C

 I finally get to use Vine Whip here.
Sandslash is the first version exclusive in this game. I'm playing the version which has it, thank goodness. Red's equivalent is Arbok, needless to say that Sandslash is the better Pokemon by a long shot, but Arbok will be for another rant. Sandslash is the opposite of Dugtrio: its stats make it a Mighty Glacier without being too slow, unlike Golem and Rhydon. Its movepool has the same qualities as Dugtrio, and it evolves at a fairly similar time. Sandslash could also utilize the Fissure and X Accuracy trick but its slightly slower at doing it. Sandslash is one you can use to your heart's content; its stats are good and nothing more. They'll start falling short of the other Pokemon you get, although you could use Swords Dance to salvage this, and Slash is a nice move to have.
Tier Score: B
New record. Although not really, I once had it a Level 20 before Brock.
Bulbasaur looks bored out of its skull.

One step closer to Venusaur.

Your choice.

 Don't folks he's just bland in this game, not snooze-inducing like in the anime.
What are you talking about? Rock types have no defense, but they have enough determination to get them by.
You don't say.

Getting heavy are we?

At least the song is very epic. Check out the OverClocked Remix version as well.
Golem was the favorite Rock type in Gen 1's competitive scene, mainly due to Explosion. Competitively it still has potential: its stats are better than Sandslash, and it gets STAB on Rock Slide, Explosion is also nice for those kamikaze attacks. The problem with Golem though is that its way too slow, and low Speed isn't wise here because of how Critical Hits work in this game, and it's Special stat is very low as well, and this is important because of how Special attacks could easily target it for large chunks of health. Golem is a handy Pokemon, although it will begin to fall short of our other team members later on in the game.
Tier Score: B 
Onix may look big and strong and armed with a high Defense stat, but look another stat and you'll be on the floor laughing. Don't bother with this piece of shit; Golem comes earlier, has overall better stats which allow it to do something which isn't walling. Don't even use Onix as a wall, the HP and Special stats are too low and Rock is an awful defensive typing, especially when paired with Ground. Onix is useless and you should stay away from it.
Tier Score: D 
As expected, Onix went down without a hitch. Even Brock admits that he's just a cocky shit.

Too bad Flash has only one use in this game. I'll benefit from the power boost though.

Brock will use this move on Onix if necessary. It has nothing to do with Rock types, although I believe it was used to conform the RPG trend of a first boss making you refrain from attacking, like with the Mist Dragon in FF4 and the Whelk in FF6. It works much better in an RPG with an ATB.

The trend of all the first Gym Leaders saying that other ones are better than them.

You're not wise mentor material.